Flare Products
Flare Products Limited is a family-owned engineering company that specializes in the efficient application of combustion and flare systems.
Our product range encompasses fully automated packaged elevated, ground, and skid-mounted flare systems, featuring high-temperature bar burners, control panels, gas trains, pipe work, valve setups, ATEX flame arrestors, condensate pots, gas boosters, and ATEX/zoned equipment. Additionally, we excel in the refurbishment of existing landfill gas and waste biogas flare stack systems.
With a team of highly qualified and long-serving staff, we bring a combined 150 years of experience and knowledge to the business. This wealth of expertise ensures that every customer benefits from continuity of friendly and expert contact. The dedication of our staff enables us to respond quickly to client requirements, providing personalized and efficient solutions.
Our Fabrication Engineers hold approvals to BS 4872, and all welding processes adhere to standards such as BS EN 15609.1:2004, ISO 14343, and ISO 14175. This commitment to quality and adherence to industry standards reflect our dedication to delivering reliable and top-notch engineering solutions for combustion and flare systems.

Our History
Established - 1982
Flare Products Limited was formed in 1982, and started operations from St Cuthberts Cottage in Bedford by Alan and Maureen Simpson.

Move to Stewartby - 1989
In 1989, new premises are purchased in Stewartby to allow for the expansion of design and manufacturing.

New Contracts Director – 2003
After many years of dedication to the business, Alan and Maureen decide to retire and hand over day-to-day control to their son Stuart Simpson.

New Vehicles & Engineers - 2015
With an increase in customer care requirements, the company increases its service vehicle fleet and hires an additional two engineers.

Supporting Key Customers - 2020
Throughout this period Flare Products continues to support our key customers in the utilities area in difficult operating conditions.

Third Generation Joins - 2023
Louie Simpson, grandson of the founders, joins the business after completion of his Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering and the business continues to move forward.

New Premises - 1986
In 1986, the company moves into its new offices and manufacturing premises in Kempston, where for the first time it brings fabrication in-house.

CAD Design - 1995
The transition from manual design drawings to CAD begins and this continues over the next few years to fully integrate all areas of design.

Manufacturing Space - 2010
With continued expansion, the company decides to take a partial lease on a premises nearby to act as a store, therefore freeing up manufacturing space.

Second Unit Acquired - 2017
The company takes on a full second unit to house its electrical department and assembly areas as well as additional stores.

Celebrating 40 Years - 2022
In the January 2022, we celebrate 40 years of operations.